Assistance to conveyor
When an art work leaves a museum, it is quite common for it to be accompanied by a conveyor during its journey. The presence of the conveyor ensures that the transport is carried out without damage, in an appropriate manner and under the necessary security conditions.

Preparing for the journey
When transporting a work by plane or train, the conveyor’s task is complex. He has to deal with unforeseeable events at the airport or train station: change of departure time, very crowded environment, unforeseen constraints when loading the works into the luggage, etc.
We take great care in preparing the conveyor’s journey in order to help him accomplish his mission with complete peace of mind.
– Our coordinators take care of booking the train or plane tickets for the conveyors’ travel. They also book their hotel and take care of their day-to-day allowances.
– Each conveyor receives a “conveyor card” containing all the useful information concerning his journey: timetables, addresses, contact details at destination, etc.

Accompanying the conveyor on the day of departure
• When an air shipment is convoyed, we offer “supervision with conveyor assistance”. This service consists in providing a second airport supervisor (different from the one who will supervise the crates) to support the conveyor throughout the operations from his home (or hotel) to the departure of the plane through the museum for export operations, or from the arrival of the plane at his home (or hotel) through the museum for import operations.
• The supervisor is responsible for obtaining an access badge in the airline’s warehouse for the conveyor so that he can assist in palletising or depalletising and guide him through the operations.
• Abroad, as for the supervision, we entrust the realisation of these services to specialist “art works” correspondents with whom we are used to working.