Procedures and administrative formalities for import-export
Our coordinators, in close contact with our customs declarants, have the training, knowledge and know-how to ensure regulatory follow-up and to handle all formalities related to fine arts, CITES and customs, for both imports and exports.

Fine arts formalities
Some works, because they belong to one of the 40 national museums or public institutions, are National Treasures. Others, because of their date of creation and their value, are classified as cultural assets.
The formalities relating to Fine Arts and customs apply as soon as your work is declared a National Treasure or Cultural Asset. They include the temporary or definitive exit permit or certificate (passport) for the circulation of works outside France in the European Union, to which must be added the export licences for circulation outside the EU.
These formalities must be carried out with the competent authorities of the Ministry of Culture (mainly the Service des Museums de France and the Direction du Livre et de la Lecture).

CITES formalities
Some works, depending on their date and composition (animal and plant species), are subject to CITES formalities in order to leave France.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, or CITES, or the Washington Convention, aims to ensure that international trade in the species listed in its annexes, as well as in their parts and derivatives, does not undermine the conservation of biodiversity and is based on the sustainable use of wild species.
In France, the managing body is the Ministry of the Environment represented by the Regional Directorates for the Environment DREAL and DRIEE. Our coordinators are also able to manage this type of formalities on behalf of our clients in order to avoid long and tedious procedures.

Customs formalities
The customs authorities carry out checks to ensure that all these formalities (Fine Arts and CITES formalities) have been completed in advance and authorise the works to leave the territory.
From a customs point of view, whether it is a question of temporary or permanent exports/imports, we also ensure the full completion of all these formalities in close collaboration with our customs broker partners.
During the planning of the services, we ensure complete support which comprises the whole of these administrative steps including the obtaining of the licences and authorisations for exit from France (temporary or definitive) and submission to the customs formalities of importation or exportation (temporary or definitive).